Weekly Updates (November 21-28)

All extra-curricular activities in the church have been cancelled. Let us all cooperate in the shared goal of curbing the suffering and pain of this pandemic.

SEEKING VOLUNTEERS WITH STRONG BACKS: Looking for a hand this Monday, round about 5 pm, to help move an organ. If you can make it (or know of somebody that can lend a hand), give Pastor Paul a call (218-349-0143).
Sunday, November 22: Worship at 10:30 am. Church doors are open and we welcome members to worship with us. Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols are strictly observed. Weekly sermons are posted on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email and posted on Facebook. If you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Thursday, November 26: Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 28: Ruby's Pantry: 11 am-12:30 pm, Mission Creek Church, 521 131st Avenue W.
Christmas Memorials, 2020: We will have Candles for Christmas Memorials this year. The candles will be set out along the balcony ledge in the front of the church. Each candle will have a tag with the name of the person (or people) that it is in memory of. There will also be a list of memorials provided for church services. The cost of the candles will be: Small candles $5, Large candles $10. There will also be two poinsettias put near the altar. Please contact Marna Fasteland if you would like a Candle Memorial this year. You can also contact the church office to sign up for a memorial. Checks can be made out to UP Church. If you sign up for a memorial you may take the candle home after Christmas Eve service. Please sign up for candle memorials by December 6.

Sweatshirts: Screen printed with church logo. Price is $35 for Med to XL and $40 for XXL & XXXL hoodies. (Crew necks are $30.) There are a few light gray & light pink sweatshirts in the office. Contact Linda Rominger or Kathy Lee with questions or to place an order. (These would make great Christmas gifts.)
On-Line Giving: We have an option through Tithe.ly to make weekly or monthly donations on-line. This is a wonderful way for folks who aren't able to donate in person or would rather use on-line giving. This option may be accessed on the home page of our website: unitedprotestantchurch.org. Thank you to those who have used this option for offerings and donations.
From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
Then they also will answer, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?”  ~ Matthew 25:44
    Well, friends, not sure if you're the same as me, but when I get all crabby and uptight (me? never!) I find myself stuck in a deep pit of self-involved whining. The deep pit is uncomfortable enough, what with its darkness and negativity, but it also has an impact on my Christian faith. See, when I'm in one of those grumbly and whiny modes, the last thing I want to do is reach out and lend a hand to those strangers that are hungry or thirsty or sick or what-have-you.  …And that's a problem.
    It's a problem because Jesus tells us in the Gospel for Sunday that he's there, in each of those people…y'know, those people I'd choose to avoid in times like that.
    Thanksgiving is a good reminder. No matter how crabby or grumbly we get, we really do have a lot to be thankful for. I know…I know…that last line is quite the cliche, but have you ever considered gratitude as a challenging discipline? See, searching one's self for gratitude in a time like that is akin to lifting weights: it ain't easy, it's the last thing you want to be doing, but when all is said and done, it will make you stronger. Seriously, try it. Next time you have a case of the craboodles, sit yourself down, shut yourself up, and make a list of things in your life that you are thankful for.
    Like exercise, you may not see the results immediately, but I guarantee that with practice and perseverance (that's why I call it a faith discipline) you'll find yourself more adept at weathering the storm of negativity, and turning toward the love and kindness of the person you want to be.
    The person Jesus wants you to be.
    Because He's there, that amazing and powerful Messiah, in those small (and sometimes irksome) people reaching out a hand in need.
Keep in touch,
Pastor Paul