Weekly Updates (November 7-13)

Sunday, November 8:
**Worship at 10:30 am. We're bringing back the opening hymn sing – so think about your favorite songs!  Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols are in place. Weekly sermons are posted on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email and posted on Facebook. If you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Monday, November 9: Bible Study/Faith Conversation: 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Join us as we explore this week's Gospel and share stories and questions of our faith. Masks are required, along with hygiene protocols.
Wednesday, November 11: 
**Veterans Day
**Wednesday Evening Time of Prayer & Sharing, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. You are welcome to gather for a mid-week calming time of prayer, music, and conversation led by Pastor Paul, with music by Maria Gross and/or Jim Larson.
Thursday, November 12: AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm. Masks and hygiene protocols required.
Free Sack Lunch, Weekdays, 12-2, in front of church: Volunteers and donations appreciated. VOLUNTEERS: Every weekday – please consider a weekly commitment to one of the following time slots: -Set up: 10:30-12:00  -Clean up: 2:00-3:00. Contact Pastor Paul or the office if interested. DONATIONS: Juice boxes, small bags of chips (any variety), small bags of snacks (cookies, crackers, etc.), sliced turkey lunchmeat, beef hot dogs, Sara Lee Classic white bread, lunch bags, plastic sandwich bags. (Financial donations always appreciated!)
On-Line Giving: We have the option through Tithe.ly to make weekly or monthly donations on-line. This is a wonderful way for folks who aren't able to donate in person or would rather use on-line giving. This option may be accessed on the home page of our website: unitedprotestantchurch.org. Many thanks go to people who have used this option for offering and donations!
Sweatshirts: Screen printed with church logo. Price is $35 for Med to XL, $40 for XXL and XXXL. Hoodies and crewnecks in various colors are available for ordering. Contact Linda Rominger or Kathy Lee with questions or to place an order. (The sweatshirts would make great gifts!) There are a few light pink and light grey, various sizes, available in the office.
Joys and Concerns/Prayer Chain: A number of family and friends are facing medical and other issues. We do not share names on our reminders, but please know that you and your loved ones are in our prayers and we are here to support you. If you would like to be included on the Prayer Chain, contact the office.

Community Information: Mental Health Resources for Seniors: OnLine Therapy is reaching out to the community to connect with aging adults who might need help with mental health, whether it be for themselves or someone they care about. Right now, people are more isolated than normal, which adds another layer of complexity for those struggling with anxiety and depression. Social frameworks that usually exist to provide a support presence are greatly impacted, and COVID-19 related life changes and stresses are compounding, likely leading to or furthering mental health issues. In order to provide support during these challenging times, OnLine Therapy has put together a resource so that Americans who are isolated can access professional care. Learn more about it at: https://www.onlinetherapy.com/online-therapy-services/ . Grace, Mental Health Advocate with OnLine Therapy, may be contacted at grace@onlinetherapy.com with any questions. OnLine Therapy is an international directory that provides a platform that connects people with therapists all over the world.
A WORD ON FLOODING IN THE CHURCH: Well, that pesky handle on the urinal in the men's bathroom finally got the best of us. Sometime between Sunday worship and Monday afternoon, it became stuck after flushing, and our church's rate of drainage wasn't sufficient for the flow, so we wound up with two inches of water across the entire Fellowship Hall. We discovered it Monday evening before Bible Study. The good news is that insurance gave us the okay to have the whole space professionally cleaned and dried, which we did throughout the week. The insurance adjustor was here, and we feel confident that we'll be adequately compensated for the damage. At present, only the women's bathroom is available, as the carpet in the men's room needed to be removed. We'll also have a few plumbing repairs to do that are not covered by insurance. We'll keep you updated. (And, special thanks to the Lindes, who spent many hours lending a hand and having to put up with Pastor Paul the whole time!)

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
“Lord, Lord, open to us.”  ~Matthew 25:11
    When I think of dark and difficult times in my life, I often reflect upon things I could have done that might have made things turn out differently. What I've learned is that usually it is a series of things, each unique, that collectively make me realize that I wasn't all that different from the foolish bridesmaids in the parable. Plenty of ways that I did my own version of “not bringing enough oil.”
    But I also think of those that were there for me – with an emphasis on the plural. There was no one person that brought grace, rather a collective of friends and loved ones, and plenty of strangers, each shining a unique light when my lamp could not.
    That's what we bring to church together, friends: many different lights from many different lamps. But together our light shines brightly, welcome that bridegroom Jesus.
    In the newsletter for this month, I asked this question:
    “What is your hope for our church?”
    And I continued:
    …I invite you to respond. Wait…let me rephrase that: I encourage you to respond. (In other words…please please please respond!), so that I may work and pray toward your hopes or dreams, or determine that I am unable to do so, and let God guide me to a call more commensurate to my own hopes and dreams for a congregation and a church. Send us an email (office@unitedprotestantchurch.org), or a phone call (218-626-2570), or a letter (830 88th Avenue W., 55808). Tell us what your hope for your church is.
    Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure that your answer to that question will also define how your light can, or does, contribute to the collective light we shine together.
    So do me a favor, eh? Send a note of response. I'll be guiding my ministry, and my work in the church, based on those. After all, our light should be shining brightly…Jesus deserves that. Is there any more important thing that a pastor should be working toward?
Thanks again, friends,
Pastor Paul