Weekly Reminders (February 16-22)

Congratulations to Jason and Tina, who were married here on Friday afternoon. God's grace for your new and exciting life ahead!

Congratulations to Dick Linde  on his "new and very important" position in the church.
Sunday, Feb. 16: The UP Choir will be singing. Fellowship follows service downstairs.
Monday, Feb. 17: Bible study at 6 pm. Join Pastor Paul as we explore this week's scripture in the lectionary, and bring it into our lives and faith. Questions encouraged.
Wednesday, Feb. 19: "Grill's On" Community Potluck: Join us between 5 and 7 as we share a community meal together. Friends and strangers welcome! As always, bring what you have, or just bring yourself. There's always enough!

Thursday, Feb. 20: AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm.
Feb. 22:
**Ruby's Pantry: 11am-12:30pm: Mission Creek Church
**Morgan Park Winter Fest: Join us from 3-6 pm at the Good Fellowship Center for some Winter Fun! Ice skating with skates available in the warming shack. Parks & Rec will have snowshoes with a demo and walking tour. Indoor crafts and assorted board games and when hungry grab a hot dog, chips, and hot cocoa! Everyone is welcome to this free event hosted by the Morgan Park Community Club. We look forward to a fun day!
Feb. 22-23:
**"Winter in the West", West Duluth: More information here: https://allevents.in/mobile/amp-event.php?event_id=200018944162914 
Feb. 27:
**Community Chili Cook-Off, 4:30-6:30: Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 4831 Grand Ave. (to benefit CHUM West Duluth Food Shelf). Can our congregation take home the trophy?

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
"For we are God's servants, working together…"   ~ 1 Corinthians 3:9
   Here comes the cold…but with it, the sun. With it, the simple squeak of the shoes on the snow and the clear, crisp air.
   I'm the goofball that likes this weather. Notably, I like the bright sun. So in the midst of a day of shuffling and sorting and "I'm-gonna-get-my-things-together-so-as-not-to-have-anxiety" I stepped away from the office, where there are only stained glass windows, and went home to lay in the sun.
   Which I did…until a phone call, and an invitation. A friend says "it's cold"…a friend says "let's get out", so off I go to share time with friends. Others joined us. We laughed and shared stories. We had reunions. By the time I got home, the sun had set, but the light and the warmth in my heart was retained.
   That, and earlier this week, a crew gathered here at the church to bake doughnuts and cookies. Because of a head cold, I stayed away, tucked in my office so as not to spread my cooties, but I could hear them…with the echo of laughter up the stairwell.
   There is no sound sweeter, reverberating through the church, than the echo of laughter.
   We need each other, friends. We need friends, each and every one of us. Here I'm tempted to give a nod to life's challenges, and that thin thread of darkness that all of us have woven through the fabric of our lives, but when we're sharing time and sharing stories, when the laughter echoes up the stairwell in the church, that thin dark strand seems to become even thinner…eclipsed by the joy of friends.
   That's church, my friends. That's God's grace.
Keep in Touch
Pastor Paul