Weekly Reminders (February 9-15)

Sunday, Feb. 9: Worship at 10:30: Affirmation of New Leaders. Also: Cathy, Linda and Ashley will share their musical gifts! Fellowship downstairs to follow.
Monday, Feb. 10:
**9:00 am: Baking Day – Doughnuts & Cookies: All who like to bake (and eat) are welcome to join in the fellowship and fun. Doughnuts will be sold at $5/dozen. If you would like to order doughnuts, please put your name on the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall, or leave a message at the office by Sunday morning. Doughnuts will be ready for pick-up around 12:30 pm on Monday.
**Bible Study, 6 pm: Join Pastor Paul as we explore this week's scripture in the lectionary and bring it into our lives and faith. Questions encouraged.
Tuesday, Feb. 11: Council Meeting: Trustees & Deacons meet at 6 pm, whole council at 7 pm.
Wednesday, Feb. 12:
**History Work Day: 10 am: After a couple months off, we will begin work again on sorting and organizing materials.
**Grill's On! Community Potluck: Join us between 5 and 7 as we share a meal together. We'll be ready by 5:00 for the folks in the choir. Friends and strangers welcome! As always, bring what you have, or just bring yourself. There is always enough!
**Choir meets at 6 pm in the Sanctuary (just double-checked, I got it right this time!). We'll sing on Sunday. All skill levels welcome. No long-term commitment required.
Thursday, Feb. 13: AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm.
**Feb. 22: Winterfest at Good Fellowship Club: Skating, snowshoeing, games, crafts, food.
**Feb. 27: Community Chili Cook-Off, 4:30-6:30: Our Savior's Lutheran Church (4831 Grand Avenue) to benefit CHUM West Duluth Food Shelf. Can our congregation take home the trophy???

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
"…let your light shine before others"   ~Matthew 5:16
     Sipping my morning coffee and watching the snow fall (which still makes me happy…I know, I'm weird), I got to thinking about the folks I know that have totally aced the "doing good in the world" thing. Notably, those that achieved that status without bragging or grandstanding or seeking praise and compliment. I tip my morning cup o' joe for their cup o' joe of remaining humble. I thank them, and think: why can't I do that?
     I can't do that because every week I stand up and talk to you…or sit here and write to you. My work is essentially demonstrative. I'm supposed to tell you what I'm thinking and feeling, and tie those thoughts to the weekly walk of faith we all take. Take this week, for example: we witness the nod to transition that Jesus shares, but in the same way, we know that God, through Jesus, did a new and different thing in the life and ministry and teaching of his son. He didn't stand broad-shouldered in the temple shouting "as God's son, I'm here to tell you that things are different now!" Rather, he hung out with the people, heard the stories, honored the tradition, and did the work of "doing good in the world" as it seemed right to do.
     And he made a difference.
     So as a fellow that admires humility, but has a title (and by consequence entitlement) that keeps him talking and sharing out loud, I like to think that the new thing God calls us as a church to share and celebrate is best expressed in the acts of love and care that fly under the radar of sermons or reports. Have you felt love here? Hope so. Have you shared your love? The same. I can tell you that I see it. I feel it. I am thankful for it. That "light" Jesus refers to is, indeed, shining here, and looking forward, has a hopeful future.
     But it is best witnessed in others…after all: I talk too much.
Keep in Touch
Pastor Paul