Weekly Updates (November 28-December 4)

ALL EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IN THE CHURCH ARE CANCELLED. Let us all cooperate in the shared goal of curbing the suffering and pain of this epidemic.

THANKS to so many who helped us bring the new organ into the church. Our new Rodger's organ (donated for free from Servant of the Shepherd Church in River Falls) has a great sound! Special thanks to Linda & Albert for their hard work and planning.
And, thanks to the Morgan Park “Free Lunch” crew for a great turkey dinner on Wednesday evening. Special thanks to John, Kelly and Patience.
Sunday, Nov. 29: Worship at 10:30 am. Doors will be open, but we are not encouraging people to attend, and to stay home as much as possible. We are recording worship and posting it on Facebook, as well as sending a link to the video, along with a copy of the bulletin and sermon to our email list. If you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Christmas Memorials 2020: We will have Candles for Christmas Memorials this year. Candles will be set out along the balcony ledge in the front of the church. Each candle will have a tag with the name of the person (or people) that it is in memory of. There will also be a list of memorials provided for church services. The cost of candles will be $5 for a small candle, $10 for a large candle. There will also be two poinsettias placed near the altar. Please contact Marna Fasteland if you would like a Candle Memorial this year. You can also contact the church office to sign up for a memorial. Checks may be made out to UP Church. If you sign up for a memorial, you may take candles home after Christmas Eve service. Please sign up for candle memorials by December 6.

Sweatshirts: Screen printed with church logo. This event has been a great success. Thanks to Linda and Kathy and all the salespeople involved! If you would like to place an order, contact LInda Rominger or Kathy Lee. Prices are $35 for Med-XL and $40 for XXL & XXXL hoodies. Crew necks are $30. There are a few light gray and light pink sweatshirts, various sizes, in the office. 
On-Line Giving: We have an option through Tithe.ly to make weekly or monthly donations on-line. The option may be accessed on the home page of our website: unitedprotestantchurch.org. Thank you to those who have used this option for offerings and donations.
From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
     I'm all out of sorts. Our house is torn apart. We're getting new floors in the living room and opening one side of the staircase for space and air flow, but that means everything in the living room has found other temporary homes. The couch and secretary are in the kitchen, along with an awkwardly placed television. The end tables are in the basement. The recliner is in the sunroom. When we want to move when, say, cooking a Thanksgiving dinner, we have to plan our trajectory carefully so as not to bump into one another. (Though, how often do I really get to shout “hot stuff coming through!” when I move around?)
     But I need to remember: I chose this. I wanted to embellish the space I live in. I wanted things to be better.
     And sometimes, for things to get better, we have to make a few sacrifices.
     So it is in our lives right now. Our solitary Thanksgiving meals. Our telephone calls to loved ones. The sentimental ways we miss one another. Small sacrifices, because we want things to be better.
     As I write this, I'm trying to imagine new tips and tricks to bring the Spirit of Advent into your homes in this time when we are staying away from Sunday worship. I have all sorts of ideas (and am welcoming your suggestions!), but sometimes the best thing I can do is to sit back and exhale, knowing that this small sacrifice has a greater goal.
     We are a people that know well about sacrifices and greater goals. That is our story.
     So, friends, I know we'll get through this. And it helps to know that when all is said and done, things will, indeed, be better.
Keep in touch,
Pastor Paul