Weekly Reminders (June 6-12)

Grill? Hey, folks, our grill is missing. Just checking if anybody from the church took it before I assume it was stolen. If you have any information, please let us know.
Saturday, June 6, 10 am – 12 Noon:  Mask Drive: We will be handing out masks to the community. Hoping for nice weather, a table will be set up outside in front of the church. Spread the word to Morgan Park friends and neighbors (or anyone that may need a face mask). There is no charge for masks. Thank you to our sewing experts for heading up this project!
Sunday, June 7, Worship 10:30 am: Thanks to Cathy and Linda for their wonderful music last Sunday! They'll be back this Sunday (and Paul will remember to share the page numbers of the hymns this time!). This Sunday we're looking at "The Great Commission" and what it means to "be a disciple." The doors to the church are open and we are welcoming members to worship with us, with respect to social distance and hygiene protocol in place.
Monday, June 8, 6:00 pm, Bible Study in the Sanctuary: This week will be led by the group as Pastor Paul will be out of town.
Helping Hands: Sanctuary Space
   Recently a church member told me that when she entered the church building for the first time in months, she felt the presence of God in a way she has not been able to feel anywhere else. Amen. This brought a group of us to thinking of how we can open the church, in this challenging time, as a sanctuary space for quiet prayer (I'm thinking of something akin to a Catholic adoration chapel, for those that are familiar.) – the idea is that people know the doors are open and there is a space for them to pray and feel peace.
   So: A call for volunteers! Would you be interested in spending some quiet time hosting the church space for visitors that need a space to pray? Volunteers would welcome visitors, notify them of our hygiene protocol, and help assure things are kept clean and sanitary. If this sounds like something you're interested in, please call or write the church with a schedule of when you might be available and for how long. If we get enough volunteers, we can make this happen. Thanks, Friends!
NOTE: Pastor Paul will be out of the office from Monday-Thursday. He'll be out in the Boundary Waters, rekindling his relationship with his son (see below). For concerns (or joys), you may call the Prayer Chain at 626-1272.
From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
"And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age"   ~ Matthew 28:20
   So closes the Gospel of Mark…and so begins, this Monday, a week with my son in the Boundary Waters. I think about all the time we will have to talk. With all the transitions in life, we haven't had time like this for the past five years, and he's grown from a child to a teen. So I ask myself: what do I want to tell him and teach him, here at this age of his life? Is it clear in my own head? So in my morning prayers, I wrote it out. And in the spirit of sharing testimony – of sharing our truth with one another – I thought it was a good thing to share with my people.
   But first, it was his birthday this week, and I also wanted to share with you my morning prayer for him: Morning prayers brought me to Eliot, turning 15 years old today. My thoughts turn sentimental, but that's not where I should linger. Love is not in scarcity and never will be. Where I linger is the true and honest attachment I have to that bundle of boy. I know he will stir my heart and break my heart. I know I will be afraid and angry and elated and proud – and sometimes all at the same time. I ask God "what is the best thing I can do to honor and support this love?" I hear the words "lead by example"…I am told to show him what good and healthy and thriving and just looks like in this world. He won't grow up to be just like me, I suspect. No "Cat's in the Cradle" here. He may not have my values, nor my lifestyle, but I can teach him what love and joy and care and creativity and balance and contentment and justice look like. I think that's what "Dad" means to me now.
OK, so…here's that list: "Things That I Want to Tell Eliot While We Float"
–  People change a lot throughout their lives. I'm a very different person than I was at 15, and you will be too, but some values remain constant. Being kind to others is a good example here.
 – The person that you are presently is not "wrong" in any way, it's just where you're at right now. When I say "you're growing up" I mean to say that you're gaining wisdom and understanding. Would I want to be my fifteen-year-old self again? No! But I wouldn't be who I am today without being who I was then.
– When I critique you for something I consider an unhealthy thought or behavior, I shouldn't be mean about it, but I really want to help you with "right from wrong." I'm a Dad, after all.
– Personally, I'm still growing up too. Recently, I've been working on getting rid of all the anger I've had inside of me – a lot of that came from my family. I don't want to pass it down to you. I haven't been very good at that through most of your life, but I'm trying to stop being angry and yelling, and I'm getting better. If you could support me in this change, I'd appreciate it.
– I'm sure you've seen a change in my attitude toward people I used to be angry at. I hope you can appreciate that change. I know you will benefit from it. We all do.
– My kindness toward anyone comes from an honest desire to BE that kind person and make the lives better for those around me. That, in itself, is my whole goal. It's my goal like yours is "popularity and fame and money and girls" right now. I need no other personal gain anymore. I don't care if I'm rich or famous, just that I am a nice guy.
– The only part of life you can really control is your own actions, and your own attitude. You cannot blame others for how you feel. Yes, people can trigger feelings of hurt or anger in you, but those emotions are yours. If you choose to stay there, in those emotions, that's your own choice, but you'll only hurt yourself.
– And you have every option open ahead of you, and a supportive family behind you. The only limitation here is your own willingness to step forward and do what you want to do.
– I am so incredibly looking forward to seeing where life will take you and who you will grow up to be. I want to support you in all of that. Sometimes my support comes in the form of making sure you don't slip off a cliff. I speak figuratively, but from experience, sometimes literally.
– You really need to treat your sister with respect. She is growing up and  you can't rush her. She doesn't need your judgment because she's not your brand of fifteen-year-old "cool".  As I often say: "let seven be seven".
– Your mother was raised with yelling and chose to stop doing it. I was raised with yelling and chose to keep it going for most of my adult life – but now I am choosing to stop.
– So: Yelling at people will get you nowhere. In fact, it is pretty much a guarantee that you won't get what you want.
– There's a lot of changes taking place, but I am assured that God will lead us all to a healthy "yes" – even though we don't know what that will look like yet. Give yourself patience. Things take time.
– Yes, I said "God will lead us"…I truly believe God guides us, every day. The best thing I can do is listen and respond when God nudges me. I don't believe the whole path is set before us like some people do, but I believe God walks with us every single step of our lives and can guide us to be our best selves…and that gives me great comfort. So I pray every day to be in touch with God and God's guidance.
– Each soul is unique in this world, and each person has reasons for who they are and what they do. Don't judge them, because you don't know their story.
– That said, take the time and listen to their stories when you can.
(And now, an edited version of the "fifteen-year-old boy" puberty talk)
– Relationships and friendships are different when you get older. We start to see them differently, and desire other things than the things that you want now as a fifteen-year-old. I have female friends that fulfill my desires for friendship and companionship, and sex is not the center of the conversation. The friendship of your mother and I, though divorced, is a good example of that.
– Objectification of women (treating them only like objects for sex) causes great pain and evil in the world. You may have desires, but you have to remember that each person is unique and has her own humanity and her own stories.
– That said, sex is ok and should be celebrated, but it must be fully equal between both partners. Mutual. And every person along the spectrum (male to female) has wants and desires that are unique, and they should be honored as unique to them.
– We are all different. We should not judge.
As I share this list, I realize that's a rather "non-Churchy" way to close…but we are people who speak our truth and live not as a veneer of "proper behavior" but as real, honest human beings. The more honest we are – the more real we are – to one another, the closer the presence of God is in our midst of fellowship. The more we can be authentic disciples.
Keep in touch, friends
Pastor Paul