Weekly Reminders (February 23-29)

Sunday, Feb. 23: Worship at 10:30.  Celebrating the end of the season of Epiphany with the Transfiguration story. Fellowship downstairs to follow.
Monday, Feb. 24: Bible Study at 6 pm. Join Pastor Paul as we explore this week's scripture in the lectionary and bring it into our lives and faith. Questions encouraged.
Wednesday, Feb. 26: 
**History Work Day, 10 am: Sort and organize photos and other materials.
"Grill's On" Community Potluck, followed by Ash Wednesday gathering:  Join us at 5 pm as we share a community meal together. (Friends and strangers welcome! As always, bring what you have, or just bring yourself. There is always enough!) We'll head upstairs around 6 pm to welcome the season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service. Jim Larson will be here with his mountain dulcimer.
Thursday, Feb. 27:  AA meets in the Fellowship  Hall, 7 pm.
**Morgan Park WinterFest: Feb. 22, 3-6 pm at Good Fellowship Center for some Winter Fun! Ice skating with skates available in the warming shack. Parks & Rec will have snowshoes with a demo and walking tour. Indoor crafts and assorted board games and when hungry grab a hot dog, chips and hot cocoa! Everyone welcome to this free event hosted by the Morgan Park Community Club . We look forward to a fun day.
**"Winter in the West, West Duluth, Feb. 22-23: More information here: https://allevents.in/mobile/amp-event.php?event_id=200018944162914
**Feb. 27: Community Chili Cook-Off, 4:30-6:30: Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 4831 Grand Avenue (to benefit CHUM West Duluth Food Shelf). Can our congregation take home the trophy?

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
"Get up and do not be afraid…"    ~ Matthew 17:7
    Grumble grumble…pesky good-for-nothing cold or flu or whatever this thing is that I've had for the past two weeks – enough already! I sit here at the desk, humming along to the music, and my voice echoes as if I have my fingers in my ears.
    All of this has meant that the past days have been spent lying down. Luckily, it's been sunny, and the windows are filled with enough light and warmth to keep me from sinking into dull moans and mumbles…but with the down time comes the pesky nudges: taxes and finances, childcare and church matters. The to-do list grows longer.
    Last Monday, in Bible Study, we were talking about productivity…about how we push ourselves and drive ourselves to be at our best at all times and the notion that anything less than our best feels imperfect, or worse: lacking or lazy. And today I'm thinking: Our "best" is just that – a peak performance. What if I am performing my "most ok" or my "good enough" or my "can't complain, could be worse?" I mean: what if I am just getting by? Day by day, is that really something I should be ashamed of?
    "Get up," Jesus says, "and do not be afraid." And I think: Let yourself not feel well, Mr. Paul. Do not fight it. Give yourself permission to not be at your best. Because if you cannot permit yourself to be less than your best, how can you ever tell another that he or she is ok just being who they are?
    So: next Sunday's sermon might not be my best. I haven't had the rigor of study and creativity that I have in my best of weeks. On the other hand, maybe, because I've accepted my limits and capacities, I'll be speaking from a heart and soul that resonates in a clearer and communal way.
    Either way: "Get up," Jesus says, "and do not be afraid." Let the days pass as they will, and welcome them with the best self you can bring, but let us all remember that every day cannot be our best.
Keep in Touch
Pastor Paul