Weekly Reminders (January 26-February 1)

*Thank You! You are much appreciated!*
**Dick Linde & Ernie St. George have been keeping the walks and steps clear
of snow.
**Kevin Behm & Jason Rengo brought over a skid-steer and pushed back the
snowbanks that were trying to take over the back parking lot.

*Sunday, Jan. 26:* Worship at 10:30, followed by our Annual Meeting and
Church Potluck

*Monday, Jan. 27: *Bible Study at 6 pm. Join Pastor Paul as we explore this
week’s scripture in the Lectionary and bring into our lives and faith.
Questions encouraged.

*Tuesday, Jan. 28: *AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm

*Wednesday, Jan. 29: “Grill’s On” Community Potluck: *Who says we can’t
share a potluck twice a week? It’s winter, after all! Join us between 5 and
7 as we share a meal together. (No choir this eve, so it’s time to play!)
Friends and strangers welcome! As always, bring what you have, or just
bring yourself. There is always enough!

*Thursday, Jan. 30: *AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm

*Saturday, Feb. 1: *Morgan Park Community Movie at Good Fellowship Club,
featuring “Flubber” (starring Robin Williams), 5:30-7:30 pm. Popcorn will
be served. Come early to make your own “flubber.”

*Mark Your Calendar:*
**Monday, Feb. 10: Baking Day – Doughnuts & Cookies. All are welcome to
come and help make doughnuts and bake Valentine cookies. Watch for more

*From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday*
*”Immediately they left their nets and followed him.” *~Matthew 4:20
Heading to the store after work today, and sitting here wondering what
I should make for the Church Potluck on Sunday. Do I lean on an old
standard “comfort food” that I might be assured most people would love? Or
do I go to the fringes and bring something new and creative that folks
haven’t tried before? What’cha have a taste for? Familiar or new?
If you’re like me, it changes. Some days the comfort of the familiar
nourishes me, and some days I sojourn out toward new and exciting things. I
think my faith varies the same way. I have my old standbys – my prayers and
my walks and quiet thoughtful time, a familiar hymn rolling through my
head, a familiar text or scripture that always feels just right, and I
thank God for all of these gifts. But admittedly, I sometimes get rather
used to the view, and every once in a while have to reach out past my
horizons. A new study or commentary, a sermon or lecture from a different
perspective, a conversation with somebody that doesn’t see the world the
same way that I do. I thank God for those moments too – especially those
moments that send me spinning off in a new direction, or pull the rug out
from under theological constructs I previously thought to be solid and
And I thank God that I’m not the first. I think of the brothers Peter
and Andrew, or the brothers Zebedee (Doo-Dah!), and the scripture preceding
this ramble. “Immediately they left”…and on they went into the story we
share every week here at church. What if they said: “y’know, it’s been a
long day, and it’s kind of chilly out. I think I’ll just head home, curl up
on the couch, and watch my favorite show.” Or what if, more guarded, they
said: “If I had a quarter for every slick-talking preacher that tried to
nudge me this way or that! I’m gonna stick with what I know!”
We have a meeting this Sunday to lift up and prayerfully consider the
health, well-being, and future of this ministry we share. On the potluck
table, we’ll have some familiar dishes and comfort foods, but we’ll also
have a few new and different things inviting you to expand your horizons.
In those folding chairs around those tables, we’ll have people across the
spectrum the same. Some are seeking growth and change, new and different.
Some are seeking comfort and familiarity. All are holy, in the time and
place they nourish and empower us. We give thanks for the familiar things
that have nourished us. We give thanks that the Zebedee brothers left the
familiar and followed Jesus. What’cha have a taste for?
Keep in Touch!
Pastor Paul