Weekly Reminders (November 30-December 7)

Sunday, Dec. 1: We welcome the season of Advent, and share in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Note: In the event of poor weather, we’ll post church cancellation on our Facebook page and call those that do not have internet. Also, Pastor Paul will be here to answer phone calls and to welcome any brave souls.

Monday, Dec. 2: Bible Study, 6 pm: Each week we lift up a passage from this week’s lectionary and let our hearts, minds, and faith take a journey from those words. We’d love to have you join us!

Tuesday, Dec. 3:  AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm

Wednesday, Dec. 4:

**Women’s Fellowship meets at 1:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All women are welcome to attend.

**Grill’s On Community Potluck, 5-7 pm: As always, bring what you can, or just bring yourself! There is always enough.

**Choir Practice: 6 pm: Note: The choir will be practicing every Wednesday through Advent.

Thursday, Dec. 5: AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm

Saturday, Dec. 7: Spruce up the Sanctuary and trim the tree! We will be putting up the Christmas tree and decorating the Sanctuary, starting at 9:00 am. Anyone who wants to help is invited to attend. If you have a vacuum cleaner that is easy to transport please bring it as this is also a good time to vacuum the upstairs of the church. Call Mike or Marna Fasteland if you have questions (384-9872).

Looking Ahead

Readers wanted: We are looking for readers for Advent Candle lighting and Christmas Eve scripture. If you are interested please contact the office or Pastor Paul.

Blanket Drive: There is a box in the Narthex welcoming new or gently used blankets for the Carlton County Crisis Shelter.

The Mitten Tree is up in the Narthex. Let’s bring mittens/gloves, hats, scarves, socks to decorate the tree. Items go to Stowe School for the children.

Other Ministries and Events

**Thursday, Dec. 12: Cookie baking, 9 am. All are invited to come help bake and decorate Christmas cookies.

**Saturday, Dec. 14:  Bill Bastian & the Highland Quartet, 1:30 pm. Free of charge. Bake sale to support the church. Cookies & coffee in Fellowship Hall after the concert.

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday

“Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” ~ Matthew 24:42    (Insert crabby tantrum-infused voice here) “I tell ya, the commercials these days! All their bright and flashy noise. The busy voices shouting ‘this’ and ‘that’ and ‘look how happy you could be’ if you only bought whatever newfangled thing is out there! You know what I do? I take the blanket on my lap and put it over my head! Too much!”    (Now resume calm and thoughtful voice here) I’m not the only one, I know. I mean, I’m trying my best to embrace the season, but all of that noise and flash just doesn’t feel like the sort of season I want to embrace. I’m loud and scatter-brained enough, after all. I like my fun, but here in the dark season, I embrace a more thoughtful temperament.    So here’s what I’m thinking: when Jesus says “stay awake,” what he’s really saying to us, here and now, is “do not be distracted.” I’m thinking it’s our good and holy work to get past the noise and flash of the season and hear the heartbeat of our faith. That beautiful child. That gift from God. That love and that welcome, attention and care. Jesus, the Christ, here and now.    I’m thinking the presence of Christ can be a still, small voice in the midst of the ranting and raving. I’m thinking the light in the darkness is the calm and the peace that arrive when I put the blanket over my head, tune out the flash and the noise, and remember what really matters.

Let’s talk!

Pastor Paul