New summer events!

Hey Friends! Exciting summer things on their way:

Beginning in June, on Thursdays: “Grill’s on!” Community Picnic (5:30-?)

We’ll set out the tables, break out the lawn games, and fire up the grill. You bring a lawn chair, a friend, something to put on the grill, and something to share as a side (nothing fancy, just share what you have!) (and thanks to Scotty for finding the great grill! Though this doesn’t mean I’ll let you win in Bocce Ball!)

Also, for you creative souls, we’re planning a gathering to explore visual arts in our sanctuary and worship – and dream up creative new ideas we can create together! Date TBA, but contact us if you’re interested!

And for those that like to play in the dirt, we’re planning to gather for Garden Days. Again, date TBA, but let us know if that interests you!

OK, that’s enough for now. See you Sunday with our choir singing and – hey – I’m pretty happy with the sermon I planned.

In God’s Love,

Pastor Paul

Spring Going-Ons

The Spaghetti Dinner was a huge success, thanks to everyone’s efforts! Thank you also to everyone who came out to enjoy the pasta!

Bakeless Bake Sale:
Women’s Fellowship is collecting donations for the Bakeless Bake Sale until June 1. Make checks payable to Women’s Fellowship and return to Doris Toman or Char Marich, or simply drop the envelope in the collection plate. Your support is very appreciated.

Mark your calendar!
These events are coming soon:

May 11: Rummage & Bake Sale, 8 am-1 pm, coffee bar and coneys for lunch. Credit cards accepted. It’s not too soon to start spring cleaning of closets, cupboards, basements. Clean, gently used items, including clothing, will be accepted for the sale. Watch for more details.

June 2: Morgan Park 5K Run/2.5K Walk, 4:30 pm
Eve Graves has begun coordination of this event. There will be raffle, bake sale, coneys again this year.

If you are a person that believes those two words go together – and that gathering with friends in our kitchen for creative cooking sounds fun – let us know! We had a great time making doughnuts, and we’re interested in other adventures. Contact Pastor Paul if interested.

You’ll notice some changes in our library space. We are working on clearing our library – and sending books we don’t need to better homes! (Before any books leave the church, we’ll be offering them to the congregation.) Then we’ll be bringing in comfortable couches and chairs to create a comfortable small group gathering space. We’d love your input!

Every Monday at 6pm, Pastor Paul welcomes you to join him in the first look at the Lectionary texts for the following Sunday. This is a time for questions and conversation in our lives of faith – and your participation greatly assists in creating a meaningful sermon on Sunday. Join us!

It’s been a long winter – let’s welcome Summer with beautiful gardens and summer picnics. We’ll be creating a “Monarch Waystation” garden on our grounds with milkweed and pollinator plants, and Pastor Paul would like to host weekly picnics with a grill at the ready, lawn chairs and lawn games. Interested? Let us know!

Annual Meeting, Pot Luck, and Council Installation

Our annual meeting went quickly and successfully this year. If you’re interested in reviewing the reports, contact Clarice in the office. It was followed by a wonderful, warm meal with myriad hot dishes. The following week, we installed council members.

Installation & Pot Luck

On October 7th, we’ll be having the official installation ceremony for Pastor Paul during the regular service (10:30). It will followed by a pot luck lunch.  If you can bring a dish, please do. If you cannot, just come hungry!

2017 Annual Meeting

As we move into February of 2017, we look back on the close of another successful year.  Our church’s annual meeting is held each year in late January.  At this time, we gather to look back on the year – our successes and struggles. In 2016, we were pleased to be able to host a number of events for the community, including the Bill Bastian and the Holiday Quartet Christmas Concert, New Orleans Gumbo Dinner, 5k Run/Walk, Fall Bazaar, Olive Garden Spaghetti Dinner, Easter Breakfast and others. We continued to offer Sunday School and Bible Study on Sunday mornings.  We were also blessed with the donation of two new boilers from Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College and the labor to install them from Stack Brothers, keeping our old building comfortably warm all year.  This has also helped considerably with the heating bills. We also had a new computer donated by Saturn Systems and set up by Keith Erickson.

In addition to looking back at the annual meetings, we plan for the year head, passing a budget and nominating council members to open positions.  We were fortunate that Karen Robnik has agreed to continue another year as the Council moderator. All new and renewing council members will be confirmed at the regular service on February 5th. Finally, we also set goals for the year, such as hosting additional events that we can offer the community throughout the year, providing more  activities for children and young families, and increasing membership (an ongoing ambition).

After all orders of business are concluded, we close with a prayer and set to demolishing the amazing spread that appears at every pot luck!  And this year was no disappointment.  I believe we had four lasagnas just to start!