Weekly Updates (October 17-23)

The doors are in! Many thanks to Dale Gross, and Scott Nickila & his son and Bruce Nickila who lent a hand. The doors are gorgeous!

Sunday, October 18: Worship at 10:30 am, with communion. We will be returning to a more traditional model of worship, with a few changes to minimize contact. Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols are observed. Weekly sermons are posted on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email and posted on our Facebook page, or, if you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Monday, October 19: Bible Study/Faith Conversation: 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Join us as we explore this week's Gospel and share the stories and questions of our faith. Masks required, along with hygiene observance.
Wednesday, October 21: Wednesday Evening Time of Prayer and Sharing, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. You are welcome to gather for a mid-week calming time of prayer, music, and conversation led by Pastor Paul. Music by Maria Gross on piano and/or Jim Larson on the Appalachian Dulcimer.
Thursday, October 22: AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm. Masks and hygiene protocols required.
Free Sack Lunch, Weekdays, 12-2, in front of church: Volunteers and donations appreciated! 
VOLUNTEERS: Every weekday – please consider a weekly commitment to one of the following time slots: Set up: 10:30-12:00   Serving: 12:00-2:00   Clean up: 2:00 -3:00. Contact Pastor Paul or the office if interested.
DONATIONS: Juice boxes, small bags of chips (any variety), small bags of snacks (cookies, crackers, etc.), sliced turkey lunchmeat, beef hot dogs, Sara Lee Classic white bread, lunch bags, plastic sandwich bags. (Financial donations always appreciated! )       
ON-LINE GIVING: We now have the option through Tithe.ly to make weekly or monthly donations on-line. This is a wonderful way for folks who aren't able to donate in person or would rather use on-line giving. This option may be accessed on the home page of our website: unitedprotestantchurch.org. Tithe.ly is used by other churches in our area and is a very secure site.
 SWEATSHIRTS: Screen printed with the church logo. There are a few light pink & light gray hoodies, various sizes, in the office. Price is $35 for Med to XL, $40 for XXL and XXXL. Crew neck sweatshirts and other colors available for ordering. Contact Linda Rominger or Kathy Lee with questions or to place an order. (The sweatshirts would make great Christmas gifts!)
From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him and went away.  ~ Matthew 22:22  
    Well, it's been since before Easter that I last put together a Sunday bulletin, and I have to say (and maybe confess that I'm kind of a geek about such things) that it was mighty fun. It was fun to piece together a call to worship and a prayer of the people, fun to think about creative ways to pass the peace, or share our offering. But for some reason that isn't quite clear (I hope to figure it out as I write these next few paragraphs), it was the small moments of choral unison that I find myself looking most forward to. The Gloria Patri, the Doxology, the Choral Benediction – something about the places where we sing together words that are mostly ascribed to memory, via repetition.
    It is ritual, I suppose, and there's a part of me that must be longing for some sort of ritual in my life, something that I've seemed to lose track of, here in this time when our world seems all shaken up like a snowglobe. I like to think I keep rituals…my morning prayer and my afternoon moment of centering and my evening release of the day and hope for tomorrow…but (ok, I think I'm figuring this out now) the rituals I have in my life are personal. What do I share with others? What rituals do we do together? And more importantly, where do I share common moments in the presence of God with others?
    On Sundays, when all is well, we enter – and sustain – a time of prayer, contemplation, praise, and love. And we do this together. Sure, God stirs in each of our hearts uniquely, and our prayers and understanding of worship are shaped and colored from each of our individual pasts, but then there are these moments of communal centering, when we sing from memory the same words, recite the same prayers, sit or stand together in ways as automatic and habitual as we might tie our shoes.
    I mean, where, in this time rife with division and divergent opinion, do we gather as a group and express: “We, as a community, share this common ground and this common moment. We are together.” The above quote from Matthew (the one that started these few rambling paragraphs) described the feelings of the Pharisees, and the followers of Herod, when they walked away from Jesus. In fact, the same verse, as translated by Eugene Peterson's The Message reads: “They went off shaking their heads.” – but really, couldn't we use the same quote for we that walk out those doors on Sunday? We're both “amazed” and “shaking our heads” in our amazement. Jesus has that effect on people. What we do with it when we walk out those doors is a different story altogether.
    For now, I find myself asking: where else in our lives do we share this common ground of head-shaking amazement? I bet if we considered carefully, and looked closely, we'd find that God is present in those moments, too. I hope so.
Keep in touch,
Pastor Paul

Weekly Updates (October 10-16)

A Note on Cancelling Church Last Week:
Hey folks, Pastor Paul here. Sorry to cancel church last week but I had a hefty dose of the alternating sweats and chills and had no idea what was going on, so “out of an abundance of caution” (as is a common phrase we hear these days) I thought it best to set everything aside for a week. Fact: did you know grapefruit has chemical properties that are deleterious to certain prescription medicines? Nobody tells me these things. At any rate, I was worried that I had CoVid but I've figured it out and all is well…so we're back in the game with Sunday worship and Bible Study and Wednesday's mid-week soul-supporting time of prayer and conversation. And we're sharing about sixty lunches a day in front of the church, and life and ministry continue to flourish and grow. Thanks, all. Sorry to scare you. Paul
Sunday, October 11: Worship at 10:30 am. Church doors are open and we welcome members to worship with us. Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols are observed. Weekly sermons are posted on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email and posted on our Facebook page, or, if you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Monday, October 12: Bible Study/Faith Conversation: 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Join us as we explore this week's Gospel and share the stories and questions of our faith. Masks required, along with hygiene observance.

Wednesday, October 14: Wednesday Evening Time of Prayer and Sharing, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. You are welcome to gather for a mid-week calming time of prayer, music, and conversation led by Pastor Paul. Music by Maria Gross on piano and/or Jim Larson on the Appalachian Dulcimer.
Thursday, October 15: AA meets in Fellowship Hall, 7 pm. Masks and hygiene protocols required.
Free Sack Lunch, Weekdays 12-2 in front of church: Volunteers needed! Every weekday:
– Set up: 10-30 – 12:00     – Serving: 12:00 – 2:00     – Clean up:  2:00 – 3:00
Contact Pastor Paul if interested.

Halloween Event? There are a number of folks interested in offering a safe alternative for a Halloween event for the community. Ideas abound. Interested? Contact Pastor Paul.
Joys and Concerns/Prayer Chain: A number of people and loved ones are facing significant medical issues right now. We do not share names on our reminders, but please know that you and your loved ones are in our prayers and we are here to support you. If you would like to be included on the Prayer Chain, contact the office.

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
“Go therefore into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.”   ~ Matthew 22:9
     Yeah, I was that guy at the weddings…the one who would dance like a goofball and people would circle around and cheer on and think “well, if he can do it, then I sure can!”
     See, I'm a lousy dancer. My natural talent finds me little more proficient than Droopy Dog from the old cartoons. It doesn't stop me, though. I figure it this way: am I having fun? Yes…I rather enjoy the awkward boogie that arrives when that first song meets the empty dance floor (Kool and the Gang's “Celebrate Good Times, C'mon!” if I recall).
     …because joy is contagious. And that's the key: I enjoy it.
     So…remember: I'm a lousy dancer. But here's what I found, if I get out there, and jester/fool or not, if I show that I am enjoying myself, well, that's contagious.
     Joy is contagious. I know I've written and preached that before but it bears repeating: joy…is…contagious.
     Anger is contagious as well. But tell me (writes Mary Oliver) what will you do with your one wild and precious life?
     What does it take for you to be filled with an honest and contagious joy? Will you dance?
     And notice, I didn't ask you “can you dance” –  because that doesn't matter. What I asked was: will you get out there?
     Because the world longs for you.
Keep in touch, friends
Pastor Paul

Weekly Updates (October 3-9)

DOORS: The first refinished door has been completed and installed. Come take a look! (Thanks again, Dale and Scotty!)
Sunday, October 4: Worship, with communion, at 10:30 am. Church doors are open and we welcome members to worship with us. Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols are observed. Pastor Paul posts weekly sermons on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email and posted on our Facebook page, or, if you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Monday, October 5: Bible Study/Faith Conversation: 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Join us as we explore this week's Gospel and share the stories and questions of our faith. (Sometimes we even learn a thing or two!)
Wednesday, October 7: Wednesday Evening Time of Prayer and Sharing, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary (see details below).
Thursday, October 8: AA meets in the Fellowship Hall, 7 pm. Masks and hygiene protocol required.
Community Information:
**Free Sack Lunch, Weekdays, 12-2, in front of the church: Karlisha and Patience began giving away free lunches several weeks ago. It has now grown to over 40 lunches shared per day (with 110 lunches shared last Friday). The church is offering our resources to support them, including kitchen space and volunteers. We are in need of extra support to keep this ministry going! Your help would be much appreciated. We begin prepping at 10:30. Contact Pastor Paul for details. Or you can donate.  A list of items needed  includes: Juice boxes, small bags of chips (any variety), small bags of snacks (cookies, crackers, etc.), sliced turkey lunchmeat, beef hot dogs, Sara Lee Classic white bread, lunch bags, plastic sandwich bags. (Financial donations always appreciated!)
**Saturday, October 3: OUTDOOR Holiday Harvest  Bazaar: Norton Park UMC, 436 N. 79th Avenue W., 9am – 1pm, crafts, Halloween treat bags, curbside lunch takeout. Wear mask and social distance. 
A Look Ahead:
**BEGINNING OCTOBER  7: Wednesday Evening Time of Prayer and Sharing: We welcome you to gather at the church on Wednesdays for a mid-week calming time of prayer, music, and conversation led by Pastor Paul. Music by Maria Gross on piano and/or Jim Larson on Appalachian Dulcimer.
**Halloween Event? Even though we can't have our regular Halloween Carnival, there are a number of folks interested in offering a safe alternative for the community here at the church. Ideas abound. Interested? Contact Pastor Paul.
Joys and Concerns/Prayer Chain: We have a number of people and loved ones who are facing significant medical issues right now. While we don't share names on our reminders, please know that you and your loved ones are in our prayers and we are here to support you. If you would like to be included on the Prayer Chain, contact the office.

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
“Therefore, I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that produces the fruits of the kingdom.”   ~Matthew 21:43
   The news…the election…the protests and fake news and gossip and rumors and…whew! Last night I made some homemade pizzas and watched some enjoyable television, just because it felt good. Just because I wanted to feel good.
   I've had so many big-picture conversations recently o n the state of our country, the state of the world, the state of our faith – sometimes I need to be reminded that this present moment has every bit of God's grace and God's work within it. Why, then, would I spend so much time thinking about it, and less time appreciating it?  
   I'm thinking that it's in our appreciation where God's grace flows. And when God's grace can work within me – within any of us – we begin to produce the fruits of the kingdom.
   How about this? It's a fair assumption that God wants us to spend more time cultivating and collecting the produce than contemplating what sort of fruit we might be wanting to plant in the first place.
   It's all too easy to get lost in our thoughts right now. All the more reason we should take some time and appreciate what is around us. And when we do so, we'll begin to see the fruits of the kingdom all around us. We'll begin to see that God is there.
Keep in touch, friends
Pastor Paul

Weekly Updates (September 26-October 2)

Great interview with Kelly & Patience and their “Free Lunch Giveaway” at the Church (more details below): https://cbs3duluth.com/2020/09/24clark-family-keeps-duluths-morgan-park-community-fed-with-free-lunches/
A Note about the Front Door (presently boarded up with plywood)…here's what Pastor Paul posted on Facebook: Greetings! No, we have not had throngs of people beating down the doors in search of Coney Dogs, nor a mob of angry church members demanding shorter sermons and more respectable footwear from the pastor. We have, rather, a couple of wonderful church members with plucky spirit that have begun the process of refinishing our doors. I think they figured even if the pastor wasn't handsome, at least the church could be. Driveway entrance is open. Come say hello. (Pastor Paul)
Sunday, September 27: Worship at 10:30 am. Church doors are open and we welcome members to worship with us. Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols observed. Pastor Paul posts weekly sermons on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email and posted on our Facebook page, or, if you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Monday, September 28: Bible Study/Faith Conversation: 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Join us as we explore this week's Gospel and share the stories and questions of our faith. (Sometimes we even learn a thing or two!)
Thursday, October 1: AA meets in the Fellowship Hall, 7 pm. Masks and hygiene protocol required.
Community Information:
**Free Produce Giveaway, every Monday, 5 pm until gone in front of the Church: The Morgan Park Community Garden Program is giving away free produce. This week (September 28) we'll have a cooking demonstration involving Kale. THe goal is to get folks to eat healthy in an area that has little access to fresh produce. All are welcome and encouraged to receive! If you are interested in supporting the Community Garden Project, contact Pastor Paul and he'll get you connected.
**Free Sack Lunch, Weekdays, 12-2, in front of the church: Kelly & Patience began giving away free lunches several weeks ago. It has now grown to over 40 lunches shared per day (with 80 lunches shared one day last week). The church is offering our resources to support them, including kitchen space and volunteers. We are in need of extra support to keep this ministry going! Your help would be much appreciated. We begin prepping at 10:30. Contact Pastor Paul for details. Or you can donate. Here is a list of items needed:  -Juice boxes, -Small bags of chips (any variety), -Small bags of snacks (cookies, crackers, etc.), -Sliced turkey lunchmeat, -Beef hot dogs, -Sara Lee Classic white bread, -lunch bags, -plastic sandwich bags. (Financial donations always appreciated!)
**Saturday, September 26: Ruby's Pantry: 11 am-12:30 pm, Mission Creek Church, 521 131st Avenue W.
**Saturday, October 3: OUTDOOR Holiday Harvest Bazaar: Norton Park UMC, 436 N. 79th Avenue W., 9 am-1 pm, crafts, Halloween treat bags, curbside lunch takeout. Wear mask and social distance.
**RetireGuide: This is a free web resource dedicated to providing useful information to help older adults fulfill retirement goals. RetireGuide recently published what they believe to be an easy-to-understand guide on the ins and outs of Medicare. This free resource highlights coverage, costs, eligibility and enrollment information, along with answers to some frequently asked questions. For further information, take a look at the following: retireguide.com/medicare/ or retireguide.com/guides/senior-benefits-discounts/  For questions, contact Juan Sousa, Outreach Coordinator for RetireGuide, at jsousa@retireguide.com.
A Look Ahead:
**BEGINNING IN OCTOBER: Wednesday Evening Time of Prayer and Sharing: Wednesdays, 6-7 pm, in the Sanctuary: We welcome you to gather at the church on Wednesdays for a mid-week calming time of prayer, music, and conversation led by Pastor Paul. Music by Maria Gross on piano and/or Jim Larson on the Appalachian Dulcimer.
**Halloween Event? Even though we can't have our regular Halloween Carnival, there are a number of folks interested in offering a safe alternative for the community here at the church. Ideas abound. Interested? Contact Pastor Paul.
Joys and Concerns/Prayer Chain: We have a number of people and loved ones who are facing significant medical issues right now. While we don't share names on our reminders, please know that you and your loved ones are in our prayers and we are here to support you. If you would like to be included on the Prayer Chain, contact the office.
From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
…”By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?”  ~ Matthew 21:23
     I've been reflecting, recently, in a big picture way, about what it means to b e a pastor and whether or not I'm honoring the full breadth of my calling. I take stock of how I was called, what I've learned from school and what I've learned along the way, my hopes and dreams, and the hopes and dreams of others. Here everything spins around…like a pinwheel, I imagine, and at the center of all this spinning is the stillness of the pin at the center. That's where God is. That's where I begin my prayer.
     But as I write this, as I reflect, the smell of pulled pork wafts through the window. It's out on the table, being served for the Free Lunch Giveaway. There's a gaggle of voices out there. There's a chance of rain so somebody showed up with a large canopy. From the Sanctuary are the sounds of Cathy and Linda practicing what sounds to be a prelude or postlude. The phone rings. It is a person experiencing a difficult time. In the meantime, I hear the sound of children laughing. I hear cars honking their horns as they pass and someone shouting: “free lunches” and “thank you” and God bless.”
     “Do what's in front of you,” I hear God say from that place in the still center.
     “Pastor Paul, do you have an extra extension cord?”
     “I'm on it!” Then back to reflection.
     Now I think I hear Cathy and Linda playing “Called as Partners in Christ's Service” – hey, that's a good one for Sunday! “Called to ministries of grace” it continues…
     So y'know what? I'm done reflecting, for now. There's a lot going on out there so I'm going to wrap this up and send it to Clarice just as it is. I'm going to get past my navel-gazing words and into the messy middle of people being fed, music being created, neighbors chatting, cars honking, kids laughing…..
     – Isn't that what God is saying?
Keep in touch,
Pastor Paul
Do what is in front of you.
Does my life reflect my call?  

Weekly Updates (September 19-25)

A Note about the Front Door (presently boarded up with plywood)… here's what Pastor Paul posted on Facebook: Greetings! No, we have not had throngs of people beating down the doors in search of Coney Dogs, nor a mob of angry church members demanding shorter sermons and more respectable footwear from the pastor. We have, rather, a couple of wonderful church members with plucky spirit that have begun the process of refinishing our doors. I think they figured even if the pastor wasn't handsome, at least the church could be. Driveway entrance is open. Come say hello. (Pastor Paul)

Sunday, September 20: Worship at 10:30 am. Church doors are open and we welcome members to worship with us. Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols observed. Pastor Paul posts weekly sermons on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email and posted on our Facebook page, or, if you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Monday, September 20: Bible Study/Faith Conversation: 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Join us as we explore this week's Gospel and share the stories and questions of our faith. (Sometimes we even learn a thing or two!)
Community Information: 
**Free Produce Giveaway, every Monday, 5 pm until gone in front of the Church (note change of location): The Morgan Park Community Garden Program is giving away free produce every Monday from 5 pm until gone. The goal is to get folks to eat healthy in an area that has little access to fresh produce. All are welcome and encouraged to receive! Note: If you're interested in supporting the Community Garden Project, contact Pastor Paul and he'll get you connected.
**Free Sack Lunch, Weekdays, 12-2, in front of the church: Karlisha and Patience began giving away free lunches a few weeks ago. It has now grown to over 40 lunches shared per day. The church is offering our resources to support them, including kitchen space and volunteers. Note: We're in need of extra support to keep this ministry going! Your help would be much appreciated. We begin prepping at 10:30. Contact Pastor Paul for details.
**Saturday, September 26: Ruby's Pantry: 11 am-12:30 pm, Mission Creek Church, 521 131st Avenue W.
**Saturday, October 3: OUTDOOR Holiday Harvest Bazaar: Norton Park UMC, 436 N. 79th Avenue W., 9 am-1 pm, crafts, Halloween treat bags, curbside lunch takeout. *Wear mask** and **social distance**.
**RetireGuide: A free web resource dedicated to providing useful information to help older adults fulfill retirement goals. RetireGuide recently published what they believe to be an easy-to-understand guide on the ins and outs of Medicare. This free resource highlights coverage, costs, eligibility and enrollment information, along with answers to some frequently asked questions. For further information, take a look at the following: retireguide.com/medicare/ or retireguide.com/guides/senior-benefits-discounts/  For questions, contact Juan Sousa, Outreach Coordinator for RetireGuide, at jsousa@retireguide.com.
A Look Ahead:
BEGINNING IN OCTOBER: Wednesday Evening TIme of Prayer and Sharing, Wednesdays, 6-7 pm in the Sanctuary: We welcome you to gather at the church on Wednesdays for a mid-week calming time of prayer, music, and conversation led by Pastor Paul. Music by Maria Gross on piano and/or Jim Larson on Appalachian Dulcimer.
Halloween Event? Even though we cannot have our regular Halloween Carnival, there are a number of folks interested in offering a safe alternative for the community here at the church. Ideas abound. Interested? Contact Pastor Paul.
Joys and Concerns/Prayer Chain: We have a number of people and loved ones that are facing significant medical issues right now. While we don't share names in our reminders, please know that you and your loved ones are in our prayers and we are here to support you. Note: If you'd like to be included on the Prayer Chain, contact the office.

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”   ~ Matthew 20:16
    I broke out the harmonica today…in front of the church, sitting in a folding chair, out by the road while the sun was shining. I get a little antsy when sitting still, and in between waving to passersby and chatting up the neighbors, I needed something to occupy my time. I was filling in for Karlisha, Patience, and the crew while they had to step away for a moment from their “Free Lunch Giveaway.”
    “I didn't know you played the harmonica.”
    “Oh, I'm not very good at it. I just love to mess around.”
    “Sounds nice.”
    “Thanks. I don't often play around other people.”
    Truth is, I kinda stink at harmonica. I mean, I know a few bluesy licks that I learned back in Seminary days (when I'd have to stay awake on the drive home from the Twin Cities), but if you put me in a group I'd effectively wreck whatever they were trying to play. I've tried to get better – tried to practice – but eventually I fall back to the few things I learned way back when, smile a bit, and set it back down.
    Do I need to get better? No. All I really need to do is enjoy playing the harmonica.
    So it is with so many things we do, especially when it comes to church. Here I am, distributing simple lunches to people who are greatly thankful for them. My pastor mind dreams up a thousand ways we could take Karlisha and Patience's ministry to the next level (my brain goes to rescuing food from local restaurants, hosting a free dinner, offering additional resources, on and on and on), but instead of getting out my pad and pencil and making to do lists, or sitting on the phone making connections to ramp up this ministry, I sat back, played a few happy but humble notes, and gave people some happy but humble nourishment.
    I like to think my smile and joy is a type of nourishment as well. See, I'm not here just to dole out lunches. I'm here to love people.
    Do we need to feed every resident in Morgan Park, and repair every broken system that undergirds the increasing divide between “haves” and “have-nots”? Well, it'd be nice, and I like to think that every little thing we do takes a chisel to the giant slab of concrete that is injustice….
    …but the main thing I need to do is enjoy loving them.
Keep in touch, friends,
Pastor Paul 

Weekly Updates (September 13-18)

Sunday, September 13: Worship at 10:30 am. Church doors are open and we welcome members to worship with us. Masks are required and social distancing and hygiene protocols observed. Pastor Paul posts weekly sermons on YouTube. Sermons are also available by email, or, if you would like a copy mailed to you, contact the church office at 218-626-2570 or office@unitedprotestantchurch.org.
Monday, September 14: 
**Bible Study/Faith Conversation: 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Masks and CoVid precautions required.
**Free Produce Giveaway, 5 pm until gone, at the Iron Mug (88th & Edward): The Morgan Park Community Garden Program is giving away free produce every Monday from 5 pm until gone. The goal is to get folks to eat healthy in an area that has little access to fresh produce. All are welcome and encouraged to receive! Note: If you're interested in supporting the Community Garden Project, contact Pastor Paul and he'll get you connected.

Community Information:
**Free Sack Lunch, Weekdays, 12-2, in front of the church: Karlisha and Patience began giving away free lunches a few weeks ago. It has now grown to over 40 lunches shared per day. The church is offering our resources to support them, including kitchen space and volunteers. Note: If you'd like to lend a hand, we could always use the help. We begin prepping at 10:30. Contact Pastor Paul for details.
**RetireGuide: RetireGuide is a free web resource dedicated to providing useful information to help older adults fulfill their retirement goals. RetireGuide recently published what they believe to  be  an easy-to-understand guide on the ins and outs of Medicare. This free resource highlights coverage, costs, eligibility and enrollment information, along with answers to some frequently asked questions. For further information, take a look at the following: retireguide.com/medicare/  or  retireguide.com/guides/senior-benefits-discounts/  For questions, contact Juan Sousa, Outreach Coordinator for RetireGuide, at jsousa@retireguide.com.

A Look  Ahead:
BEGINNING IN OCTOBER: Wednesday Evening Time of Prayer and Sharing, Wednesdays 6-7 pm in the Sanctuary: We welcome you to gather at the church on Wednesdays for a mid-week calming time of prayer, music, and conversation led by Pastor Paul. Music by Maria Gross on piano and/or Jim Larson on Appalachian Dulcimer.
Halloween Event? Even though we cannot have our regular Halloween Carnival, there are a number of folks interested in offering a safe alternative for the community here at the church. Ideas abound. Interested? Contact Pastor Paul.
Joys and Concerns/Prayer Chain: We have a number of people and loved ones that are facing significant medical issues right now. While we don't share names in our reminders, please know that you and your loved ones are in our prayers and we are here to support you. Note: If  you'd like to be included on the Prayer Chain, contact the office.

Thank You!
**To those who have been able to share offering, it truly makes a difference. We rely heavily on plate giving of Sunday offering, and expenses still continue. We have had to cancel our regular fund raising events, so what you give, again, makes a difference.
**Thanks to Mike & Marna Fasteland for decorating the church for Fall.
**Thanks to the crew that lent a hand helping a church friend move recently. You are all awesome and a good example of what church should be!
**Thanks to Dick & Sue Linde for cleaning. (Pastor's messes are getting larger. He'll work on that.) Note: It has come to our attention that Dick Linde's “ding ding” bell has once again sprouted legs and is hiding on him. If you see it, please return, so that Mr. Linde can get a good night's sleep once again.
**Thanks to Scotty Nickila for mowing! Note: It has come to our attention that there are community complaints about how loud he sings as he mows. Authorities have been notified and warrants have been issued for creating a public nuisance. We'll have a talk with Scotty…see what we can do.

From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
“Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.”  ~ Matthew 18:26
     I've been sharing in a lot of conversations and such (in other words, repeating myself) that I'm approaching this time in our church and culture as if it were one of those Christmas snow globes – you know the ones…those little trinkets you shake up so you can watch the snowstorm overwhelm the quaint scene within. (Which leads me to wonder why, here in the North, we really enjoy watching fake snowstorms like that?) Anyway, eventually all the chaos of the blizzard settles down in a snow globe, but in the meantime, there is nothing we can do but wait for things to settle. I'm thankful to God for gracing me with that image…it was a good one to help me contemplate the virtue of patience.
     But contemplation is quite different from practice. Recently, I'll admit, I've found myself growing more than a little weary of waiting. I find myself talking about how we can find creative alternatives to be church together, including gathering in smaller and safe groups, building networks of conversation and connection over phone and email, and reimagining events like Halloween to suit the present circumstances. On and on my busy little brain goes until…I exhale. Hey God! (I pray) I know I'm not that great at this patience thing, but I'm slowly getting there. Can I…um…ask you to be patient with me?
     Thing is, while my patience may sometimes rival a sugared-up toddler's, God's patience is infinite. Or put another way: God's way of doing things, and the timeline on which it happens, is something none of us can ever pretend to understand, only honor and appreciate. “God works in mysterious ways,” we're fond of saying. Nothing is more mysterious than the response we imagine when we call out “God, why don't you just fix all of this right now?”
     Here, I was going to offer suggestions on how we can be more patient, as well as honor God's plan and timeline, but here's what I'm going to do instead: I'm going to try and practice what I preach, from now until Sunday, and see how it works for this fellow in great need of taking my own advice.
     I'll give you a full report on Sunday. Stay tuned. Keep in touch.
Pastor Paul