Weekly Update (July 25-31)

Sunday, July 26: Worship at 10:30 am. The church doors are open and we welcome members to worship with us. Fellowship is shared afterward also. Masks are required and social distancing & hygiene protocols observed.
Monday, July 27: Bible Study meets at 5:30 pm. Join Pastor Paul in exploring this week's scripture in the lectionary. You are welcome to join in with your questions and thoughts. Masks, social distancing and hygiene protocols practiced.
Saturday, July 25: Ruby's Pantry at Mission Creek Church, 521 131st Avenue W., 11 am -12:30 pm.
Saturday, August 8: Western Garden Tour & Continental Breakfast-to-Go, Norton Park UMC, 436 N. 79th Avenue W. Cost is $10 day of tour only. For more information, call Kathy at 218-590-1964.
Looking Ahead: Church council discussed holding a rummage sale sometime in September. Watch for more details regarding date, time, and safety precautions. Items may be brought to the church at any time.
From Pastor Paul: Toward Sunday
Have you understood all of this?  ~ Matthew 13:51
    Last week I wrote that I was taking a trip…I focused on the YES of the trip (personal healing, engagement of hope and positive memories), and not the NO of negative experience and personal challenge. I've made the rounds that I wanted to, returned to places I've always longed to return. Did everything go as planned? Of course not. A flat tire high in the mountains, two major detours on account of bridge repair and forest fire. I'm a few days late in getting home (darn auto repairs!), but I'm almost there.
    It probably isn't a shock to you that along the way I meet people, and strike up conversations. I met a gun-toting conservative (holster showing outside his tucked-in T-shirt) that spoke of our president as "the savior of our nation." I met a joint-smoking river paddler (with sandals like mine on his feet) that said "I figure the world is all (messed) up so we might as well get high and run the rapids." I met an RV-driving retiree that said "surprised they let you into Montana with that Prius of yours" and a Harley-riding biker that asked "How do you like that car? I've been thinking of getting one."
    The common theme? We shared our stories. We listened to one another. We treated one another with humanity.
    I'm sure I'm not alone in my admission that it's easy for me to make snap judgments. It is easy for me to label, and be critical. But in this prayerful journey I've made this week, I understand that every person I met had the presence of God within them, and I did my best to treat them as such.
    …Such different people, but one clear thing they all have in common: they all have stories. They all have truth. They all have fears and hopes and loves and reasons for behaving and thinking the way they do. If they seemed angry, I listened for their fears so that I could understand their loves behind it. If they seemed judgmental, I prayed that they open their hearts beyond the label and critique that has brainwashed them in our divisive culture. If they were happy, I celebrated with them. If they were grieving, I listened extra well.
    Jesus asks: "Have I understood all of this?" Well, Jesus, as far as the big picture, not completely, not yet, but maybe it's not the big picture that you want me to get right now. Maybe the real understanding comes from those moments you gave me to share with your people. I listened, like you told me to, and I like to think my biggest understanding is an appreciation of the many things we all have in common. I like to think I understand how you dwell in each of us uniquely. I like to think I understand how you teach us to respect one another, and engage one another with love.
    So…I think I heard the YES that I was listening for. And that YES, like your last word always is, is love.